Historic Restoration


Historic restoration gives us a visual representation of the great historical value and cultural significance our ancestors have left behind. It preserves our country's past for present and future generations to learn from and enjoy.

HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY are natural partners. Preservation and reuse of historic buildings reduces resource and material consumption, puts less waste in landfills, and consumes less energy than demolishing buildings and constructing new ones.

The Lost Art of Building-

We are what we build. Our buildings offer a telling narrative of who we are and what we believe and value.

Why do historic buildings just feel right?

A great many fundamental principles of architectural design are due to the Greeks and Romans. They created proportions for every single part of their construction.

Every house, every building was proportional to the human body. For example: my fingers are proportional to my hand, my hand is proportional to my head, people are proportional.

And like this, buildings prior the 1940’s were built this way. They were crafted! The materials they used were made to last! The size, scale and proportion were all related to us! 

